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Thursday, July 28, 2011

503 Service Unavailable in Blogger?

Are you getting this error message on your blog dashboard, or while you are trying to access your blog?

Read on to find out what this problem is all about and how to help blogger to solve it.

What does 503 mean?

503 “Service Unavailable” is a “response code” like 404 “Page not found”. The 503 response code is a bit more complicated as it is not a page that is missing it is a server problem. Usually this happens when a server cannot cope or deliver its hosted content to web users, in other words blogger servers have been overloaded.


Back in March Google engineers introduced Auto Pagination which basically reduces and summarizes the amount of posts that a blog displays on the home page, this only affects blogs that show all or most of their full posts on the home page.
This approach to the problem by Blogger has proved ineffective, and Blogger are now having problems in the delivery of certain blogs worldwide.

Who is affected by this 503 “Service Unavailable”?

This problem affects all blogs worldwide. One of the ways to find out if you have been affected is to login in Google analytics and check your traffic sources, select search engines and select the keyword that brings most of the traffic to your blog, compare the data with previous months. A notable change in your bounce rate or average time will be a good indicator that your blog had been affected by this 503 response code. The logic behind this is simple, a user trying to view your blog has opened the 503 page and assumed the site down and gone to another site. Due to this you will receive a 100% Bounce rate for that keyword as well as a low time average.

Understanding the problem and its consequences

The consequences of this problem are that you can start to lose traffic and your ranking in search engines. You need to understand that this is not a problem of resources, this cannot be fixed by getting a new server for blogger (if it was I would not be here talking about it).
This is a problem of how we blog and what we do with our blogs.

How to solve the 503 “Server unavailable” on Blogger

Here are a few steps you could take in order to help Blogger to solve the issue.

Basic level (no skills required)
- Summarize your posts.
- Show only the most relevant post on your home page.

If you show full posts on your home page you have a greater chance of encountering the “503” problem, as your blog is using more resources from Blogger to deliver or load your blog. Secondly an excessive number of posts on the home page (even summarized posts) may result in a 503 as there is a delay with Blogger loading your blog. You can opt to show your latest post or more relevant posts, and include a widget with some links to your previous posts. This is SEO friendly and will reduce the amount of problems you will have with your blog.

Medium Level (some skills and knowledge are required)
- Use a light weight template and avoid using the “template designer” from Blogger
- Use Light images

If you are using a template made from the “template designer” tab, there is a simple test that you can do to reveal how efficient your template is: Clean the cookies of your browser and open your blog (not blogger dashboard) by typing the url in the address bar of the browser. Take note of the time that it takes for your blog to load completely, now go to blogger and change your template for any free template and repeat the same steps, clean your cookies and open your blog again and compare the time. Some of the templates made with the “Template Designer” have a poorer performance, especially those that have some java scripts and/or have a background image.

Images play an important part in saving some bites, you can use PNG format or GIF as these are lightweight formats, you can also use JPG but you must always compare them to find out which is the lightest one. PNG is not always the best. If you don’t know how to change the file formats of the images you can search on Google for GIPM; an open source software with features like Paint Shop Pro; easy to use especially to change image formats.

High level (Skills and Knowledge are required)
- Speed test using Firebug for Firefox

The best way to analyze and get a full report on the performance of your blog is by using “Firebug” for Firefox. Firebug will report a series of problems that your blog may have in order to reduce the loading time of your blog which is one of the determining factors of the 503 “Service Unavailable” error.
You will get specific reports on how your CSS is performing, where you can reduce the size of your CSS, where to put your Javascript files, and much more. Most importantly it will create a compressed version of your CSS (best performance) for you to use as well as a copy of all images in a different format, for instance if you have some JPG images, Firebug will compare the same image to other formats and will give to you the same image but under a different format saving you time in editing those images.

Overall there are alot of things that you will find out about your blog after running a test on Firebug that you may not know how to solve, if that is the case you can jump into the forum and ask questions about it.

Why should you bother with all of this?

You may be thinking why do I need to bother with all of this, why not just wait for somebody from Blogger and Google to solve the problem?. Well the answer to that is easy: this is not just Blogger’s problem this is a blog problem, and in this case, blogs worldwide. This is not solved by buying an extra server or hiring somebody to solve the problem, this can in part be solved by us bloggers and the way we do things. Blogger is the only blog platform that offers you the best of both worlds: the benefits of a self hosted blog for free. You just have to ask yourself would I like if Blogger changed the rules and started to charge it’s users for their free service?

This may or may not happen, but for now this is just an appeal to all bloggers to change the way they do things for the best, at the end of the day it will help your blog as well as the user experience that you offer to your blog users.

Resources: http://www.bloggertricks.com/2010/09/503-service-unavailable-in-blogger.html


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sekolah sihir moden?


Dah lama juga aku tak update post kat sini yek. Straight to the point post kali ni just nak share sumthin' yg aku dapat dari salah seorg abg aku pasal sekolah sihir. Untuk pengetahuan korang sume, sekolah sihir ni berasal dari zaman firaun lagi di mana firaun mewajibkan rakyat dia sekolah sihir selama 5 tahun. Kalau tak pergi akan dipancung (kalau salah perbetulkan saya yek).

Di Malaysia pula kerajaan mewajibkan rakyat bersekolah sihir selama 11 taun. Adakah persamaan disitu? Mari kita berfikir sejenak.

Apakah sebab remaja2 zaman sekarang ni sangat berat untuk mengamalkan apa yang terkandung dalam al-quran dan hadis sebaliknya sangat mudah untuk menerima pendapat2 yg ntah hape2 dari ahli sihir2 barat? Adakah terdapat sihir di situ? Sebenarnya kita pun tidak tahu menahu sedikit pun yang telah diajar oleh sekolah sihir yg terdapat pada zaman firaun tu dari segi bentuk, mata pelajarannya etc. So it's not impossible rite?

Sebagai contoh di sini saya copy paste satu entri yang saya jumpa dalam blog blues budak utara:

Belum jelas mengenai pendapat bahawa sesebuah binaan untuk tujuan beragama itu perlukan kiraan tertentu dalam memenuhi keperluan mengikut amalan sesebuah agama? Kita kembali kepada Islam yang kita cintai, Allah memerintahkan Nabi Ibrahim untuk membina Kaabah bersama anaknya Nabi Ismail di sebuah kawasan di padang pasir Makkah. Lokasi untuk membina Kaabah itu pula sudah ditentukan oleh Allah, manakala bentuk dan saiz Kaabah juga mungkin sudah ditentukan oleh Allah. Maka, kiraan arkitektural yang diperlukan untuk membina Kaabah sudah ditentukan oleh Allah di atas lokasi yang juga sudah ditentukan. Bukankah tempat suci umat Islam itu ialah lokasi yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Allah? Begitulah juga dengan kawasan al-Aqsa yang mana keluasannya meliputi masjid as-Sakhra dan masjid al-Aqsa juga adalah lokasi yang ditentukan oleh Allah. Masjid al-Aqsa didirikan di atas sebuah kawasan yang dinamakan al-Aqsa, yang juga meliputi masjid as-Sakhra iaitu bangunan berkubah emas yang juga disebut sebagai Dome of the Rock. (hanya sekadar pendapat). Lokasi itu sudah ditentukan Allah kerana Allah lebih mengetahui segala rahsia yang dirancang-Nya di tempat-tempat suci itu.

Dalam kes rumah ritual satanis, maka tidak mustahilkah kiraan arkitektural sesebuah binaan itu ditentukan oleh syaitan? Kiraan itu kemudiannya menjadi asas kepada ilmu senibina arkitektural hari ini. Mungkin sebahagiannya (berdasarkan beberapa kes) juga telah diserap masuk ke dalam ilmu senibina yang kita panggil sebagai kejuruteraan awam. Manakala pengetahuan senibina yang mengamalkan kiraan-kiraan mistikal pula dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Yahudi dan Freemason di kalangan manusia. Maka terbinalah binaan-binaan moden yang pelik tetapi kelihatan menarik di mata manusia seperti Burj Dubai dan sebagainya yang dibina dengan kepakaran jurutera dari Amerika dan Eropah. Ia mungkin dibina bagi melengkapkan sesuatu keperluan ritual di lokasi lain (tidak semestinya di kawasan berhampiran, boleh jadi juga di sempadan melintasi laut).
Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut lagi boleh la baca kat blog tu. Actually aku pun bukan pandai sangat dalam teori konspirasi2 ni, so lebih baik aku stop dulu sebelum melalut tak tentu pasal nanti. Post ni pun aku just nak share apa yg terbenak dalam fikiran ku selama ni. Kalau ada mana2 part yg tak puas ati n nak dibetulkan tu boleh la beri komen2 yg sihat mahupun tidak sihat kat bawah ni.

Semoga bertemu lagi on the next post. Selamat menyambut Ramadan al-Mubarak kepada semua muslimin muslimat seluruh dunia. Assalamualaikum.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Tafsir quran Per Kata untuk di jual


Untuk post kali ni just nak promot satu barang ni memang baek punya, "Tafsir al-quran Per kata Al Hidayah" terbitan Kalim.

Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan "Per kata"? "Per" like setiap n "kata" pula ialah perkataan, word etc. Senang cite tafsir quran per kata ni dia tafsirkan ayat alquran tu satu per satu, satu ayat demi satu ayat so that org yg tak tau bahasa arab boleh lebih mendalami maksud satu2 ayat itu dengan lebih detail di samping terjemahan sepenuhnya di bahagian tepi quran tu.

Selain tu, quran ni juga dimuatkan dengan kod2 tajwid pada setiap halaman, so that memudahkan kita untuk membaca quran dengan tartil mengikut tajwid.

Antara ciri lain yg terdapat dalam quran ni ialah:

-tafsir per kata merujuk pada tafsir Al-Munir karya Syeikh Nawawi al-Bantani

-dilengkapi Quran Message Service (QMS); pengetahuan dan mesej singkat ayat al-Quran

-dilengkapi dengan Asbabun Nuzul (sebab turun ayat); mudahkan untuk fahami maksud dan hikmah ayat al-Quran

-menggunakan khat Alquran Madinah, dengan tanda baca yang disesuaikan dengan Kementerian Agama RI

-Mushaf Uthmani

-3 reben warna sebagai bookmark

-bonus cara menghafal alquran untuk orang awam di muka surat akhir

-terdapat 2 jenis saiz;
i)medium size (21cmx16cm) = rm65   ii)large size (29cmx21cm/A4 size) = rm100

*harga termasuk kos penghantaran

Berminat? sila PM saya di facebook atau email saya (arepmahat91@gmail.com) utk tempahan.


Friday, July 8, 2011

My Cat with Durian~


Entri kali ni juz nk share a video of my cat when first time jumpa durian. Pliz dun try diz at home. At hospital can..LOL


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